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Grimlock is the leader of the Dinobots. Powerful but dumb (with the exception of the episode where he created the Technobots), Grimlock is probably one of the most popular Transformers to roll in to Quake 2 Models.


GrimlockGrimlock Model


Grimlock Model Size (KB) Stars Comments
Click Here 1,574 KB Star.gif (1558 bytes)Star.gif (1558 bytes)Star.gif (1558 bytes)halfstar.gif (1209 bytes) Looks to blocky but It is the best Transformers model out there!


Many of us have seen skeleton type skins for the player models of Quake and Quake2.  They were merely bones drawn over the existing skins and, as the author stated, looked like Halloween costumes.  This is not the case here.  Ichabod is the first "true skeleton model" with "real" bones that you can actually see through.  Truly an original idea which deserves merit there alone... However theres more.  He also comes with full Vwep support, which is some thing no model should not be without.  After seeing this model in action, and seeing the real attention to detail.


Ichabod.jpg (7861 bytes)Ichabod_poses.jpg (15165 bytes)


Ichabod Model Size (KB) Skulls Comments
Click Here 2,101 KB Skull.gif (1561 bytes)Skull.gif (1561 bytes)Skull.gif (1561 bytes)Skull.gif (1561 bytes)halfskull.gif (1246 bytes) The FIRST EVER Skeleton Model out there that's not a "Halloween Costume!"


This is awesome model from Blizzard. The Orc model is from Warcraft the series. Most likely from Warcraft II. This model has a cool look to it as they made a awesome shading to the character.


orcskin1.gif (11090 bytes)orcskin2.gif (14080 bytes)orcskin3.gif (9732 bytes)


Orcs Model Size (KB) Stars Comments
Click Here 823 KB Star.gif (1558 bytes)Star.gif (1558 bytes)Star.gif (1558 bytes)Star.gif (1558 bytes) Awesome skin from the Orginal Warcraft I and II.